Mobile Product Knowledge Website Design Process

We were tasked with designing a product knowledge resource for retail employees. This is how we did it.

Leverage Emojis

  • Designed rapidly in Figma

  • Dark mode for the environment

  • Mobile-first, knowing our target audience

  • Describe basic UX and design process


Everyone loves seeing design start with a pen and paper. I do too! It feels thourough. Since we do not have design approval stages at Landyachtz, I usually start with a word document defining the project and articulating decisions.

Then I just skip ahead and go straight into visual design mockups.

Let’s talk about how we made these chocies.

Leverage Emojis

Summerland and sunshine go hand-in-hand. We used the sun emoji as a fun, free, repeatable, and shareable design element for our social posts.


Sorry Mom


Landyachtz Website Redesign